What is Euangelion? ("Good News")

While most, if not all people have heard of Jesus the Galilean "dying for our sins" on a Roman cross, how well do we really understand what this means? The full weight of this life-giving moment requires some critical context...

Uncaused, first cause

A distinct and authoritative Being

A beginningless, uncaused, changeless, spaceless, timeless, immaterial, immensely powerful, moral and personal Being created the universe and continues to maintain it with absolute precision today.

This being is not only personal, but has three separate centres of consciousness, all uniquely relatable and personal.

This being created humans to mutually love, serve and enjoy endless relationship with Him, while being under His perfect authority. Since He created everything, He rules over everything.

The nature of this being is perfectly moral. The morality that humans all experience is a partial glimpse of the absolutely perfect morality embodied by this Being. Anything contrary to this Being's nature is the definition of the immoral.

None are good, no not one

A created, yet rebellious species

The first created humans chose to rebel against the intrinsic authority of the Being, and instead chose autonomy. In doing so, they separated themselves from the very life source which sustained them. They acted in ways contrary to the Being's nature, thereby tainting themselves with immorality.

The Being is perfect and, in perfection, must do away with any trace of immorality in order to preserve goodness. Therefore, based on the free choices of the first humans, the Being pronounced their imminent death - i.e. permanent separation from Him, the very source of life.

In their rebellion, the first humans, and all those who have descended from them, continue to choose deathly autonomy, blinded by their seduction to it.

The incomparable love

A divine, life giving solution

One of the centres of consciousness of this Being chose, and was chosen to become a created human, riddled with the same seductions faced by the rest. This Divine Human was, and is a person seen in human history, one that no sect or group of humans has ever been able to forget. The man's name was Jesus, from a town called Nazareth, in the province of Galilee, under Roman authority, who was given the Hebrew title of Messiah, translated to Greek as Christ.

This Divine Being, in physical body and countlessly witnessed, took upon himself our penalty, our deserved death. On a Roman device of torture he was brought to a painful bodily death. It was then he suffered the true torment of separation from his Divine Being.

As a proof of his claims, and a living example of a new hope to be found in him, his corpse was brought back to life, in a new state which will never see death or decay again. This reborn body was seen by many, who then shared the news far and wide over the past two millennia. This news was carried and supported by the very personal life-force which brought him back to life. It is this force that lives within all who accept this gift of substitution, and in doing so, accept a renewed relationship with the Being. Then begins the path of new life, with bodies that will be raised anew after death, just like the Divine Human.