Are there any good reasons to believe the Euangelion ("Good News") is true?

There is an abundance of clear reasoning - supported by modern scientific and historical evidence - to back-up the claims of the Gospel. The points below briefly map out a supporting case, with some further resources below


Is there true meaning to life?

If God does not exist then life is insignificant, our actions are irrelevant, and we have no actual reason for existing. Life is just something that happens, purposelessly

Are people fundamentally good?

Every person has done morally good things in their lives, has the ability to do more but chooses not to, and has the potential to learn to do much more. At the same time, every person has done morally bad things, and has the potential for much evil. One cannot be morally good by doing mostly good things. One can only be good by doing no evil. No human being is good

What would real and complete justice look like?

We all believe that good needs to be done to compensate for evil, to reinstate harmony and order from the created chaos. Most believe that evil doers require punishment as a counterbalance for their deeds. We've all indulged in immorality for which we are personally aware, and deserve the hand of justice

What is the state of our world?

The world is much better than it’s ever been. The world can still be much better. The world is awful and sees much suffering. Neither of these statements alone presents an accurate picture. These are all true

What parts of life do we find unnatural?

We all subconsciously know that suffering and death is unnatural, and not the mere neutral by-product of impartial forces. We long for an existence free of suffering and abundantly peaceful and joyous


Can scientists say non-scientific things?

Science is a method used to discover specific truths about the world and the universe. Science has not disproved God. People from all belief systems make use of the scientific method

What did the founders of science believe?

Most of the founders of the scientific method, and many of the most prominent scientists since, have believed that God exists

Is atheism just another religion?

Atheism is a belief system akin to a religion, with a wealth of unproven, non-scientific assumptions at its core

Do atheists live by religious ideas?

One cannot consistently believe in atheism while also living happily. Such believers, either knowingly or unknowingly adopt religious beliefs in order to live happy lives

Does the word "god" mean the same for everyone?

There are many different definitions of the word “god”, tied to many different religions and belief systems. The differences matter as much as any similarities

Does God exist?

There are many good reasons, supported by well established evidence to believe that a specifically theistic God exists


How many people are that well known?

Jesus of Nazareth - a seemingly poor and unremarkable man from a relatively uneventful and unimportant region is somehow the most famous and influential person in human history. Do we find that surprising?

What's guided humanity's progress to the modern day?

Jesus' words have also brought about the greatest progress to human society, such as introducing human rights, the denunciation of slavery, promoting equality between men and women and between rich and poor, etc. Is that purely coincidental?

Do many people call themselves God?

While many think that Jesus of Nazareth was a mere wise and misunderstood teacher of common values, he had a radical self-perception. He claimed to be God and taught and acted as such. How important is that detail to us?

What prompts us to look into this further?

The authenticator of Jesus sacrifice and claims was an act in history which is unable to be reproduced - the perfect signature. Namely, his dead body was reanimated in a way that was just as revolutionary in the past as it would have been today. We have more reason to believe this occurred than otherwise. That act, fully embraced, satisfies the deepest longings of human existence

Should we ever believe without questioning?

We’re invited to question this authentication - the physical resurrection from the dead. We’re given just enough reason and evidence for those who are open hearted to see its truth and believe. This authenticator must be freely accepted by the individual, in order for the message to do its work